I recently had the pleasure of getting to know Michelle from Iron & Twine on our blogger retreat to Tybee Island. This very talented girl is a ray of pure sunshine, never without a smile on her face! Today for Feature Friday, Michelle is going to show us how make a customized and cute Belt Strap Tote. Welcome Michelle!

Hello new friends! I’m so thrilled that Kim invited me today to share one of my new, favorite, DIYs ~ a Belt Strap Tote! I love finding practical uses for old items and currently I’m obsessed with thrifted belts! For just a couple bucks you can typically find great colors or quality leather. And by using an already made tote, it’s a simple way to customize and upgrade a boring bag. Perfect for picnics, farmer’s markets & flea markets, tote bags are a personal Springtime favorite!
Materials Needed:
Canvas Tote
*I bought this 3 pack for $6.99*
Nylon or Leather Belt
*I found mine for $1-2 at local thrift stores*
Starter Punch
*For $5 this one is the perfect size!
Scrap Wood
Rubber Mallet
Binding Post Screws
*I used 8 of these on each bag, but depending on the thickness of your bag and belt you may need to go bigger/smaller*
To Make:
Take your tote and cut off any existing handles.
If your bag is as wrinkled as mine, now’s a good time to iron it.
Take your belt and cut two handles of equal length.
*Helpful Tip: If cutting nylon be sure to burn the edges to prevent fraying.
From there, decide the placement of your handle, and mark with a pencil if needed.
After deciding where you want your holes, place your starter punch over both the belt and tote. Hold steady and use a mallet to hammer on the starter punch to make a hole:
*Be sure to do this on a hard surface and it’s essential to have a piece of wood under your tote for the starter punch to compress into.
From there simply screw your binding posts together to attach your belt to your tote.
Continue to punch holes and attach your handle until your bag is finished:
For my leather strap tote, I did the same process, but opted to round the edges of my handles and placed them slightly lower:
So whether you’re headed to the beach or looking for a new market tote, I hope this inspires you to go out and customize one of your own!
~ Michelle
Thanks Michelle for guest posting! Be sure to check out her beautiful home tour, customized Ikea Expedit Shelving Units and her clever Under the Sink Storage.
Oh wow Kim!! I LOVE this idea! I’m gonna make one this weekend. Thanks for sharing this!
Um, I’m in love with her house! Going to check it out now!
Beautiful job! I want one of those baguettes too! 😉
What a fantastic way to update a plain tote!
Cute idea! Love the picture with all the food 🙂