Talk about a talented duo! We all teamed up with other amazing bloggers earlier this year did the Blogging 2 Better Challenge, each creating unique DIY projects with a specific list of random items. These ladies are also my co-contributors over at Infarrantly Creative. Let me introduce the ladies of East Coast Creative in my Summer Blogger Blitz!

Hey there! I’m Jess, and I blog with my best friend, Monica, over at East Coast Creative. You might recognize our faces, but not our name, which might be because we used to be The Real Housewives of Bucks County (or maybe that still doesn’t help, but at least now you know who we are!)

We blog about all things DIY and home decor, and toss plenty of real life in there, too. We’re big fans of Kim and were so excited that we actually got to meet her in real life at Haven! We wanted to show you a project that would fit in perfectly in Kim’s beautiful house by the beach, or anyone’s house for that matter! DIY Barnwood Shelves!

Monica originally made this shelf for our very first Nate Berkus show challenge, and they’ve held up amazingly well! Just cut your board to size using a chop saw, make marks on the wall where you want the brackets to go (after leveling, of course!), and screw them into the wall and then into the board.
See? I told you it was a piece of cake! But wait! You don’t have barnwood laying around your garage? We’ve got you covered! We figured out how to recreate that beautiful aged barn wood look with paint, glaze and a sanding block. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

OK. I don’t know what to say!? It’s like you KNOW what my Next project is… and this could not have come at a better time! My Gosh! You girls are like my crazy inspiration.. seriously!! Love that wood look… stunning. And you betcha I will be using that Technique in my next project! Gosh you two are Good! Good I tell ya!
I love anything that has the words “barn” and “wood” 🙂 Your shelf came out great and looks gorgeous with the seating area 🙂