Coastal Beach Art

Beach Art – Heidi Peters- Family Nest
Hi! My name is Heidi Peters. I am from Southern California. I was raised here and love living near the beach. I am married and have two girls. They mean everything to me.

Coastal Beach Art by Heidi Peters

Beach Art – Heidi Peters – LOVE

Beach Art – Heidi Peters- Star gazing

Beach Art- Heidi Peters – Driftwood Pier and Seagulls

Beach Art – Heidi Peters – Whale Watching in Oregon

Beach Art – Heidi Peters – Palm Trees

Beach Art – Heidi Peters – The meaning of LOVE

Beach Art – Heidi Peters – Swing Tree with You and Me

Beach Art – Heidi Peters – Sea Glass Wave – Driftwood Fish

Beach Art – Heidi Peters – Green Crab

Thank you so much for this. It touched my heart and made me a little emotional. You are so sweet to recognize me and my art. I feel so honored.
Awww you are too kind! It was a joy to share you and your beautiful work with my readers! XOXO
oh i just love this. what a talented artist.
Aren’t they adorable? She is very talented indeed!
Fun stuff! I am inspired
Me too!! Now I want to make more art out my shell collections.
Thanks so much for sharing Heidi Peters’ work, Kim! Simply creative, beautiful and inspiring!
You’re welcome Juanita! Her artwork makes me smile!
Enchanting! These pieces made from sea glass are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing!
I love the sea glass too!!! I wish I could find more at our beaches. They are far and few between! Thanks for stopping by Joan!
I just love Heidi’s sea glass art. I have meds windshield by wrapping wire, but these are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!!
A girl can never have enough sea glass! Thanks for stopping by Mary!
Beautiful artwork ☺
These are so beautiful. Wish I lived near a beach with things like this to collect.
Wow. How fun! SO inspiring! I love sea glass and collecting shells and now I have some fun ideas for what to do with them.
I love your art. Currently in Southern Spain I am walking along the sea and finding glass. Good for health and soul !
I agree! I would love to see your sea glass collection from Spain 💕