I hate this day and love this day.
Each year I anticipate its arrival.
I rarely sleep well the night before.
Last night was no exception.
Alarm clocks were all set and ready.
Backpacks were filled and sat patiently by the door.
Schedules and bus numbers were written neatly and posted on the refrigerator door.
They were ready. I was ready…. or so I thought.
The anticipation was thick in the air, but it was time to rest.
And rest we did, that is until the smoke detectors decide to randomly scream out in defiance.
First one, then another, and then all …. SIX of them…
Oh, it was going to be a long, restless night.
So we awoke this morning, not quite bright eyed and bushy tailed but,
First day of school pics were proudly taken… and…
The parents all gathered, coffee and cameras in hand at the bus stop. (we all make our parental-duty-appearance on the 1st & last day of school).
We wiped lipstick goodbye kisses off of our babies’ cheeks and bravely watched as off they went… one by one by “how did I get to this point in life” one….
Silently hoping he wouldn’t wipe the kiss away.
But of course… Hubs couldn’t resist going out to the middle school bus stop, made up of about 6 boys & 2 girls, to completely embarrass our son with hugs and conversation.
My teen daughters were gasping as they peered through the windows…. WHAT is dad doing???? OMG, Stop him mom!!!
Sigh… oh no, I’ve learned after 20 yrs of marriage to pick my battles…..
I’m still cool mom… he’s… well…. let’s say not-so-cool-dad…
The girlfriends all piled into the car, giggling and excited to be headed off to high school.
And then, all four were gone.
The house is quiet. Silent in fact.
I should be rejoicing! I should be productive and excited to have all this time to myself, to get work done again.
But no. I sit, I wander the house, peeking into each of their messy rooms, so proud for the 1st day of 1st grade, the 1st day of middle school, the 1st day of freshman year, and the 1st day of my oldest’s daughter’s senior year.
WHERE DID THE TIME GO? Someone stop it … like NOW.
Maybe I will do both today, I’ll cry (just a bit) and cheer a lot!
For today I celebrate a new year of discovery and learning in my children’s lives and a new year of productive creativity in mine.
Or maybe I’ll just head to the beach instead… (shhh, that secret is ours!)
Happy 1st day of school everyone!
I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way. Just sent my baby off to Kindergarten and I don’t know what to think :S
Oh Mandy! I so, so, understand. My youngest sister texted me yesterday… she was about to send her baby off to Kindergarten also… she was losing it! I think this day is a good reminder to us mama’s that even though these kiddos kill us, they are the absolute JOY of our lives…. and I wouldn’t take it any other way…. (expect keeping them younger a bit longer).
Hugs my friend!!!
Did you make the backpack hanging strap? Or can you tell me where you got it? Thanks!
Hugs to you! I’m sure it was an emotional day. Change is always unsettling. And being smacked with the realization that your kids are growing fast doesn’t help. Hope you have a good rest of your week.
Thanks Brittany! I normally do really well with change, but yes, the realization of how short the time that God has entrusted us with these kiddos is, is hard!
Oh girl I was so where you were a few weeks ago. You know I sent my “baby” off to school AND 8th grade for the first time ever, since she’s been homeschooled up until now, and it was so wonderful and exciting and painful all at the same time. Your kiddos are so precious and darling and I LOVE that dad embarrassed them…hehe…my husband would do the same thing. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers this week as you adjust to them being gone during the day. Hugs to you!
Love you, love you, love you, and oh yes, did I tell you how much I love you my friend? (snif– sniff- whaaahwhwhahhhaaa!)
Oh Kim! The silence today felt so strange to me too! I thought I would be welcoming it more but I just couldn’t stand it and had to have the t.v. on in the background. My youngest started 1st grade today too and it felt like such a huge page had been turned in our family and I pretty much can’t think about it without crying. I totally lost it after walking out the 1st grade door! I’m so glad we moms are all in this thing together and can support, pray for and cheer on each other in this incredible journey!
Love ya,
I can’t imagine how quiet your house must have seemed today after being full of so much activity. I hope each of your children had a wonderful first day.
It was crazy quiet! I’m sure I’ll get used to it though.;) They all had great days at school! Thanks Paula!
It will get easier , you wait 🙂 You will be getting back in the groove in no time. I bet you were excited though to see the bus round the corner! I was so happy to pick my son up today from his first day of school.
I dread that day too! I just sent the kiddos son a sophomore and daughter a freshman off to first day of school too here in m.i. summer goes by too quickly! I too went to the beach right after I dropped them off! and there I sat and pondered about how they grew up so fast and why I can have 2 high schoolers yet I have not aged a day!!!! lol hope everyone of your kiddos had a good 1st day as well!
Thankfully, everyone had awesome 1st days! Nice to know there are tons of mom’s out there who can relate! Thanks Kim!
My “baby” is 14 and a freshman this year. I still can’t believe my daughter moved out almost a year ago and my oldest son is driving an 18-wheeler somewhere on the east coast as I type this! My last two are in high school, one a freshman and one a junior. Soon they’ll all be out of the house. I feel proud 🙂
Wow what a big year for your kiddos…..1st, middle school, freshman and senior! It is emotional, I feel that too for a couple of days! Enjoy getting back into a routine and hope your kids have a great school year!
Thank you so much Lisa! It is a big year for not only them but me! I’ve never had any empty house! I’m sure I’ll get used to it. 😉
I thought I would be so happy the first day of school, but I was surprisingly sad. They do grow up so fast. My “baby” just started middle school. Where has the time gone? Thanks for sharing.