Joy is on my door for a reason. Yes it looks festive and cute and appropriate for the season. I had to ask myself, “Do I have joy”? I should have joy right? I know I’m blessed with wonderful, healthy, loving children and a beautiful home, and a great career, but am I focused on the joy that it all brings? Do I dare admit “no” publically? Guess I just did.
Holidays are difficult times for many of us who have lost someone, or have broken relationships, or are struggling financially, spiritually, domestically. Let’s face it, none of us have our lives in total order. We get overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of the season until suddenly we realize it’s over and we didn’t take time to enjoy and reflect upon the real joy of Christmas.
I’ve always thought of joy as a feeling of happiness all the time. Well, by that definition, none of us could be joyful. As a Christian, I know joy has a deeper meaning. I love this definition of joy by Kay Warren in her book Choose Joy: Because Happiness Isn’t Enough…..
“Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.”
THAT is the joy we want, the joy I want and need to know. But it is a decision, a willful determined choice to focus on. So to remind myself that I need to focus and choose joy in all situations, I decided to make this pretty Joy Wreath. Let’s make the wreath now, ok?
To make a Joy Christmas Wreath you will need the following items:
- Red berry wreath or any small wreath
- MDF letters “J” & “Y”
- Mod Podge
- Ultra fine glitter
- ribbon
- Hot glue
- paperclip
Step 1: Coat the letters with Mod Podge
Step 2: Sprinkle with a heavy coat of fine glitter. I used Martha Stewart crystal fine glitter. Shake off excess and allow to dry.
Step 3: Insert a paper clip onto the back of the wreath.
Step 4: Cut a long length of ribbon, put a piece of strong tape, like packing tape, and place on the back of ribbon. Poke one end of the paperclip through the ribbon where it is reinforced with tape.
Step 5: Hot glue the letters onto the ribbon and hang the ribbon over the top of the door.
I like to use 3M Command hangers. Place it upside down and use a large clip to grasp the ribbon and hang it from the hook.
Add a little bird to the wreath if desired. Isn’t he cute?
I took an left over candy cane striped ribbon, wrapped it around the planters and secured it with tape.
I smile every time I see this Joy Wreath and remind myself to look for the joy. Is finding joy in all situations easy for you or do you struggle also? Leave me a comment and tell me how you are trying to focus on the JOY!
Be sure to check out all the amazing holiday projects linked up to our Countdown to Winter Party! Come and add your projects today!
Linking up to: DIY Showoff, Organizing Made Fun, Serenity Now, Craft-o-Maniac, Home Stories AtoZ, Craftberry Bush
Stopping by from Serenity Now’s linky party to say that I LOOOVE your front door wreath!
oh how I wish I had seen this before I started on my pathetic attempt at making a wreath… LOVE this so much. Great job xox
I love the Joy banner. It would look so good on my black door! I enjoyed your meaningful post on the true meaning of joy. True joy is found in Christ and what he did for us on the cross. That we worship a God that calls us his children! That NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. Awesome!
I love your JOY Wreath, it’s so adorable – your porch is beautiful! Pinned! Thanks for the great share!
I love all the porch decor!
Very pretty!
Love, love, love this!
This turned out so awesome! And I just so happen to have a red berry wreath like this. I think we can all use a reminder to choose joy. Stopping over from Serenity Now.
Gorgeous Kim – here’s to finding joy this season!
Love the wreath and your thoughts behind it!
It really is so easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and sadness that surround us. The Lord wants joy for us. We need to remind ourselves daily to shift our focus, and rejoice in the blessings that we have. Your wreath brought a smile to my face, and it radiates joy 😉
Thank you for this reminder about joy. I tend to get frustrated with people that I don’t think are giving their all. This is something I struggle with constantly and have to turn over to God frequently. Currently, I am frustrated with my son-in-law because he isn’t working and my daughter is very pregnant and working to support them. Thanks for reminding me to just be joyful that I will soon be having my first grandbaby and although I pray about the rest, I need to leave it in God’s hands and not let it steal my joy. Thanks for your very good reminder to make a real effort to keep the joy this Christmas.
What a pretty entry! I love how you hung your wreath, very clever.
Love the wreath! I made Joy with a wreath for my mantel but I really just love what you did on your front door, the ribbon was a perfect choice. Great idea, thanks for sharing!
Love it! I think “JOY” sums up this season perfectly and it’s a great welcome to your beautiful home.
Absolutely stunning! It’s truly beautiful, and I love your reasoning for making a “JOY” wreath, this year. Lovely.
That is absolutely beautiful, the wreath and the sentiment.
How did you attach your garland around the door?
I found your blog today as I was surfing from one blog to another. Thank you for sharing this quote – it’s what I needed today! I love the JOY wreath on your door. If I have time, I want to add one to my door this year – if not, next year!
I love your idea! I am going to do this next year!
What a wonderful reminder of what we should have in our lives daily as Christians. When I was a teenager I HATED the word joyful. I thought it was the last thing I ever wanted to be. After I became a Christian it still took me a few years to figure out what God’s definition of joy is. God’s joy is something I want now but it is so hard to understand and have on a regular basis. Maybe there is a way to make a year round sign I could put up as a reminder. Thank you for this beautiful post.
I LOVE, LOVE,LOVE your quoting Kay Warren – “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.”
You have preached a sermon with that quote and I am so thankful to you for boldly sharing your faith and spreading this good news! Yes, I know how I am decorating my front door this year!
Peace and Blessings, Jeanine
Danke für die tolle Anleitung des Freuden Kranzes. Ich finde ihn sehr schön. Auch wenn es noch zu früh ist, wünsche ich ihnen und ihrer Familie gesegnete Weihnachten.
Bärbel Schenk
Danke für Ihre netten Worte. Es ist ein wenig zu früh , aber ich schrieb , dass Artikel im Dezember 2012. Ich bin froh, dass du es aber gern ! Haben Sie ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest auch! 🙂