Ok, call me passé, late to the game, oh-so 2011, I don’t care… I love dough bowls! I’ve been watching, ok, maybe stalking. I have been searching for one to (affordably) wander across my path. Today they did!
It was one of those moments where I saw,
my heart skipped a beat,
I whipped out my camera (every normal person carries a DSL camera with them everyday, right?)
I bit the bullet and bought one.
Mama’s making money her own money now!
These were at an import store I love, called Home Emporium. Each one is unique so unique. Some have tons of worm holes, others are more rough hewn and have defined handles. I wonder how old each bowl is and who was the family who once owned it. Now to be honest, in all reality, I’ve probably just purchased a wooden sink vs. a bowl for dough. Oh wow, please tell me they were only used for dough or sinks and not something…errr… else.
I’m not sure where exactly I’ll place it yet, but so many ideas swimming around my head. Let’s look at some ways others are using dough bowls in decorating. These seen below are by Pottery Barn and are currently in stock. They start at $199 though! Yikes.
Oddfellows Antique & Design Warehouse
I have to say, this next picture cracked me up! While browsing through images and I had to do a double take… that looks like, why yes it is! It’s Layla! Rhoda caught a great pic of Layla & Kim with this mega dough bowl/horse trough?
I love this moss filled dough bowl. Filling it with fresh cut greens and adding a few candles could be stunning. Arrangements that are low in height are nice for dinner parties, because you can actually see your guest across the table!
You know I’m swooning over this next picture. Where in the world did they find all those glass floats? LOVE! I’m going to have to start making more of my DIY glass floats I think.
If you are lucky enough to find one for a good deal, may I recommend that you leave it in your garage or outside for a bit before bringing it in. A close inspection will reveal many little creatures still living on it and in those worm holes. Uck. I’m going to give mine a nice coating of linseed oil first too.
Do you have a dough bowl? I’d love to hear how you use it in your decorating.
Wow, didn’t know animals lived in them. Did I just not notice that w/ mine? ICK…Layla could use that bowl for a sled, if they got snow down there where she lives, but alas, I think they don’t get any.
Well not animals but bugs, lots of bugs. They are so tiny you could barely see them, but they were there. Yucky. You have to watch out for any old wood you bring in, like old shutters, pallet wood, etc. I could tell you some real horror bug stories when it comes to antiques.
I know I”m a few years late to this table, but you could always put the wood in the oven on like 350* for a few hours. that’ll kill all kinds of creepy crawlies and won’t hurt the wood…. unless it’s treated and in that case, there shouldn’t be anything living in it anyway.
NO 🙁 sadly I do not have a dough bowl. All the ones I have seen were a bit more than I am willing to part with at the time.
But I do luv the look of them as a table centerpiece.
Enjoy yours, after the debugging.
Cheers, Gee
I’ve never heard of them, but they look very cool!
I love dough bowls too! My grandmother gave me one for Christmas, years ago. It’s one of my favorite pieces in my house. I use it a lot for centerpieces. Currently, it’s holding wooden apples. At Christmas, I fill it with greenery, solid color glass ornaments and usually some decorative picks (usually shiny and glittery). At Halloween, I fill it with mini pumpkins… You get the idea….it holds just about everything. Mine’s not as big as yours! Great purchase!
Kim, that is a nice sized one you got. I do have one maybe not quite as large as yours. Mine is filled with dried hydrangeas at the moment, but that changes with the wind. I actually want another one.
I love dough bowls too! Have one with paperback bundles in mine. When I first saw that last picture before reading anything I thought it was yours filled with those floats! Love that huge one Layla got!!
I have loved these for years – all my life actually – because we have one that’s been passed down in my family.
I remember my mom reverently getting it out & cleaning it then telling us it’s story. My great grandfather hand carved my bowl for my great grandmother when they were young(sometime in the 1860’s or so). My mom remembered going to her grandma’s house & watching her make bread & setting it to rise in the bowl.
Mine is so different from any I’ve seen – no handle, oblong but the sides are not level. It looks much more primitive than any I’ve ever seen & I love! My favorite way to display it is with a swath of dried flowers laying in it.
Thank you for sharing your family story with us Jenny! Mine is quite un-level also, but I love the hand scraped underside. Oh if it could talk!
No, I don’t have one but if I find an affordable one I will scoop it up. Yours is lovely. Frog Goes to Market blog has one in the living room or bedroom full of pillows.
I’ll have to go look at hers. That’s what I was too, pillows, throw blankets,etc. They are great for storage.
Oh how I wish! I can’t even imagine the value of all those gorgeous floats!
Beautiful I’m sure! I saw a smaller one earlier this week but sadly today it was gone. ;(
Sounds like some great decorating ideas!
What a great piece! Congrats on the find and I can’t wait to see what you do with it.
I’ve been wanting a dough bowl for a while now. Seen one a couple of months ago at an Antique Mall for $350.00, passed on that one. Then I seen another one two weeks ago at another antique shop for a little over $200.00. I keep telling myself that I don’t need one, but I sure do like the way they look. Maybe someday, when I see a price sticker that I just can’t pass on I’ll get me one.
Congrats on your find~Enjoy it!! :0)
Thanks Jana! This was $89 for any size. It was more than I wanted to pay but after seeing how much retail was went for it. So if you all see more sponsored ads on the blog…. you’ll know why!! 😉
Looks like I’m going to make a trip out to Home Emporium! I always forget about that place while I’m rummaging through consignment and HomeGoods on weekends. Love it!
I want one for my dining room table! How did this comment come over? Can you reply?
Hey Jess, sorry darlin, you are still having e-mail issues (I’m ducking from the shoe flying at the computer… Love you girl!)
LOVE your bowl! I just purchased my very first dough bowl today! It’s on the smallish side and I’m not sure where I’ll use it, but at only $28 I thought I’d pick it up anyway.
$28 is a bargin!!!!
I live in Yucatan Mexico and people here still use them to wash their cloths. They also make them out of stone and cement you can find them in all sizes. Have seen them as small as 12inches long as flower pots.
Thank you for sharing this cultural practice with me! I suspected it was used for a sink or such all along. I seriously couldn’t imagine my wood bowl being used for dough… unless it was for a bakery! That would be a lot of dough!
Beaut of a find!….the bowl, not the critters. I practically drool over the dough bowls at Pottery Barn, but of course will not give in to that price. I love the unique character of each! Hopefully I will come across an awesome find like yours! Thank you for the heads up to leave it outside for a bit!
There was a field of dough bowls at Brimfield and I debated but ended up without one! I think they were recently made and marketed as old so I’m not too upset – but for $50, I’m still wishing I had scooped one up!
Love the moss filled one and I have my own collection of fishing floats – a few small ones and 3 giants ones that I did pick up at Brimfield!