One year ago today, my father went to be with his Heavenly Father after a 2yr battle with stage IV melanoma cancer.
To honor him today I want to share a poem I had written for him on Feb. 29, 2008 when we were just discovering his illness.
I had a personal blog at the time and his comments are still posted below.
Vignettes of a Father
Sleepless nights spent cradling his first born,
My infant soul finds rest
in the steady cadence of his heart.
His eyes, deep pools of warmth and love, see into my heart.
Overflowing compassion and acceptance spills forth.
My infant soul finds rest
in the steady cadence of his heart.
Amber aspens rustle in the September breeze.
Cool waters swirl and tumble through the rocky brook,
my foothold steady, for he holds me.
Towering wonder, they gaze into the heavens.
Warm aromas waft of pine and moss under the Great Sequoias.
How small we stand, his hand with mine.
Rainbow sails bellow and fill with westerly winds.
Slicing through cobalt waters, my heart races.
Lock the rudders and tighten the jib, together we sail.
Being one not easily bridled, he holds the reigns tight.
I would bring frustration and disappointment,
Yet late into the night he waits for me.
A tall and handsome prince is found.
Reflecting the father, faithful, loving, patient, and kind.
Giving his blessing, he releases me.
His eyes, deep pools of warmth and love, see into my heart.
Overflowing compassion and acceptance spills forth.
Teacher, healer, confidant, and friend….
my father.
my father.
You have always been a gifted poet. Absolutely beautiful. I cried.
Love you,
To My Beloved First-Born,
How do I deserve such blessings, honor and love? With each verse, my mind was flooded with vivid images enlivened by your gifted prose. I stand in awe of the creative and sensitive woman you have become.
Loving you,
PS — you forgot to add:
“Cool waters tumble through the rocky brook, as he reshapes my arm into a shepherd’s hook!” (Sorry about that dislocated elbow, honey)
Kim, What a beautiful poem. Thinking of you today. I lost my dad to cancer as well, what will be 3 years ago in March. He was such a strong presenence in my life I frequently refer to him in my blog. Wishing you a good day of peace and memories.
absolutely beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes!!
Totally precious, Kim.
Beautiful…his spirit is alive within you…I am honored that you have shared it with me. Bless your heart, Kim. *Lynne*
Kim, what a beautiful poem. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your father sounds like a wonderful man. Thinking about you today.
Thank you for sharing this intimate peek into the relationship you had with your father. The love you shared for each other is quite apparent. You and Beth are in my prayers today. It never gets easier. It’s just different.
I agree with Beth,you’re a poet…. what a wonderful tribute. It made me think of my wonderful Dad, who I lost several and think about everyday. There is nothing more precious than a close,loving father-daughter relationship.
Hugs to you and Beth.
I cried the first time I read it years ago and I cried again today reading it….Hugs to you my friend. Love you!
What a GIFT & honor to your dad! WOW! How blessed you are to have had such an amazing father! How blessed too your dad was to have been honored with a poem just for him from you 🙂 His comment was touching. You are so talented in more ways then you know! So glad I stumbled upon your blog, you seize to amaze me 🙂 Kim
What a beautiful poem. And that picture of you two is lovely.
Thank you everyone. You all have given me the best “cyber-hugs” a girl could ask for. I know I’m not alone, struggling with loss, as many of you all have also. Thank you for allowing me to share a glimse of my relationship with my dad with you all. He was an amazing doctor and father and our friendship developed once I was an adult, which was so very rewarding. Again, thank you for reaching out and sharing your love with me. Fondly~ KIM
What a lovely poem Kim. I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. Both of my grandfathers passed away of cancer and it is so hard. But you’ll we’ll be with our loved ones one day, God promises us that! 🙂
A lovely remembrance of your dad. It will be one year in April that my brother passed away. This year has flown by moreso than any other.